
The tradition of a village bakery since 1952




L’Antico Forno Madonia ha sede in: via Cimitero, 90010 San Mauro Castelverde (PA).
Il proprio punto vendita si trova in: via Umberto, 86 • 90010 San Mauro Castelverde (PA).
Telefono: +39 0921 674001 • +39 0921 446197 Fax: +39 0921 440260

anticofornomadonia@gmail.com         www.anticofornomadonia.com

The company

Antico Forno Madonia is an artisan business from San Mauro Castelverde (PA), a town in the Alte Madonie, far from the crowded places of the cities on the northern coast of Sicily. A country of peasant traditions, genuine products and ancient recipes.
The company was founded at the end of the fifties by Mariano Madonia, known to everyone in the village as "Uncle Mariano".
L'Antico Forno developed over two generations, thanks to the trust of its customers and the care and passion of the Madonia family and the people who work there. Even today L'Antico Forno is a family business managed by
Giuseppe, son of the founder. For him, as for the Madonia family, the greatest pleasure is producing good food
bread, fragrant milk pastries, crunchy sweets and biscuits. Our values The phrase "Country bread and biscuits" combined with the name "San Mauro Castelverde (PA)" tells us what we are and what we believe in. Ours is love for local places, passion for homemade products, rediscovery and sharing of the flavors of times gone by. We firmly believe in the deep connection between food and its community of origin, in the rediscovery of the ancient traditions of good food, in making the pleasure of an experience of "Maurino" taste accessible to all.

“In an ancient village, perched on a peak,
there is a secret corner from which it radiates in the morning
a smell of still warm bread
of freshly baked milk biscuits,
of crunchy sweets with a sweet flavour.
It is a miracle that is renewed every day,
from year to year, from father to son, whose origin
is lost in remote and infinite times,
like the sea that you follow from up here to the horizon”.

With the products of Antico Forno Madonia and with our work we wish to be among the "Maurine ambassadors" of taste and tradition. What we do L'Antico Forno has expanded the production of biscuits and dry sweets over time. Passion and artisanal skill give life to unique products such as almond sweets, yeast biscuits, buccellati, taralli maurini, Tiberius throats and "sfiziosi". The latter are dry biscuits made with ancient family recipes in the flavors cinnamon, hazelnut, almond, pistachio, walnuts, lemon, orange, chocolate, honey, coffee, wine, manna.


At Antico Forno Madonia you will find the widest assortment of bread, cakes, desserts, biscuits, pastries, focaccias, flours and many other bakery and pastry products .
Come and visit us in Via Umberto 86 in San Mauro Castelverde and taste our products to see for yourself their goodness.

Our expert bakers and pastry chefs use only natural products of the best quality on the market to offer you the ideal solution for your particular tastes.

Work as a passion

Sicily is a land rich in naturalistic, historical, monumental and culinary treasures, after all, previous generations have contributed to safeguarding this extraordinary heritage.

Right in Sicily there is a small mountain village, San Mauro Castelverde, surrounded by the Madonie massif to the west and the Nebrodi mountain range to the east, a breathtaking location from which it is possible to admire the Tyrrhenian Sea to the north which disappears from sight. eye and gives a sensation of infinity.

Entering into this small town with peasant traditions, one perceives how its history has its roots in ancient times, probably before 584 AD, when it was baptized as the locality of S. Mauro and it is precisely through this mountain village that the people passed Greeks and Normans, leaving their traces.

San Mauro Castelverde tells a thousand-year history, but not only that, by visiting the small villages of the town you will be surrounded by an extraordinary scent of sweets and freshly baked bread, it is an explosion of the senses, which will make you touch the culinary history and tradition first hand gastronomy of this town.

And it is here that some of the best confectionery excellences are born, such as those of the Antico Forno Madonia.

Antico Forno Madonia is an artisan company, founded in the 1950s by Mariano Madonia, who today, thanks to his son, has consolidated its brand, to the point of being considered a Sicilian productive excellence, as the motto of Mr. Mariano has always been: the greatest pleasure is baking good bread, fragrant milk pastries, crunchy biscuits and sweets, to give an intense sensation of pleasure, made up of unique aromas and flavours.

The production tradition continues with his son Giuseppe Madonia, who has expanded the range of products and continues to perfect the recipes and production methods, using the highest quality raw materials, adhering to hygiene and food safety regulations in the laboratories and along the small supply chain productive, creating typical products of the Sicilian and local tradition, according to the values of the Madonia family.

The Antico Forno Madonia, with its products, does not only produce sweets, bread and biscuits, rather it creates true gastronomic excellences, which tell a story, local tradition, the values of a centuries-old culture.

This artisan producer wants to enhance the quality of its products, highlighting the close link with the territory, the passion for homemade desserts and the flavors or aromas of other times.

Try tasting a biscuit or a sweet from Antico Forno Madonia, it's like living a one-of-a-kind sensorial experience; from the delicate flavor of the ingredients to the sweet scent of biscuits or pastries, appreciate their crunchiness and crumbliness, the "croc" that is perceived during chewing stimulates the sense of hearing, providing a moment of pleasure, which continues with the perception of the extraordinary flavours, associated with an enveloping aroma, it will be like savoring a piece of Sicily and the history of the place.